Don’t You Remember?

The meal started out with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. The disciples were full after a miraculous meal that fed thousands. They left by boat and had one loaf of bread with them. Jesus tells them, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” (Mark 8:15)

The disciples can’t figure out why he said this. But after some discussion, they assumed it was about their lack of bread. Maybe they wondered where they would get more or cast blame on whoever forgot to bring more than one loaf.  

Jesus asks them why they are talking about bread. They had just experienced abundant provision and gathered up the leftovers. Why were they concerned about getting more bread? Jesus asks them several questions, but one stood out to me. “Don’t you remember?”

They ate bread, had a loaf of bread, yet worried about bread. I find it easy to worry about lack. Lack of provision. Lack of stability. Lack of security. I sometimes talk with others about my fear. I pray about it even as I stress. And this morning as I read this this conversation, I felt like Jesus directly asked me, “Don’t you remember? Don’t you recall how I provided your daily bread and took care of you throughout your life?”

Then that question echoed in my soul and memories of his provision for me resounded back.

Don’t you remember? God loved me so much, that though I was a desperate sinner, Jesus died for me. He rescued me from all the punishment I deserved and showed me mercy.

Don’t you remember? He provided for me when Don and I first married, and I had no income to help cover expenses. He led me to a job.

Don’t you remember? We were raising support to go overseas for our first term. We didn’t know how we would ever get enough financial backing. We didn’t know if we could find 100 people committed to pray for us daily. God provided it all through his people.

Don’t you remember? In all our moves, he gave us a home, clothes to wear and food to eat. Even when notice was short or the move was around the world, Jesus took care of us.

Don’t you remember? I reflect on all the medical care he gave me on four different continents when I needed help. Childbirth. Broken bones. An uninvited tumor. Tiredness and a hard-to-diagnose illness, God was with me each moment.

Don’t you remember? I cried and fretted some late nights and early mornings as I worried about my kids. Jesus gave me hope and sustained me. He took care of them and me.

Don’t you remember? I am amazed at the thousands and thousands of miles we’ve traveled. He watched over us through every form of transportation we used.

I am troubled by my forgetfulness. When ministry opportunities come, why is my initial reaction to say no? Why am I worried that I won’t have the resources to do it? Don’t I remember?

When someone is ill, why do I jump to the fear I will lose them? Don’t I remember?

Why am I fearful when the world my grandchildren face seems so dangerous? Don’t I remember God’s presence, power, and sovereignty throughout my own lifetime? Why do I forget his ultimate rule throughout history since the beginning of time?

Today is a good day to remember. Whatever I am concerned about, God is able to take care of everything on my heart. He even knows all that I don’t know about yet.

I will set my heart to remember. And trust.

What causes you to fear and worry? As you name your burdens today, remember his faithful provision in the past.

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